What is Hiring for DNA?

It is a seven step process that has a 92% accuracy rate for new hires.

Step One - Develop a Job Benchmark using our patented process.  Let the Job Talk!

Step Two - Recruit Qualified Candidates.  

  • Internal Sources

  • Advertising

  • Recruiters

Step Three - Test and Evaluate using the TriMetrix DNA Assessment, which combines behaviors, motivators and competencies together in a validated, bias-free and fully integrated assessment that meets EEOC requirements. 

Step Four - Develop Gap Reports for all Potential Candidates allowing you to easily determine the best job fit and identify areas of potential weakness. 

Step Five - Interview Candidates using Behavioral Techniques.  Behavioral interviewing is more than five times more predictive of success than traditional interviewing techniques.

Step Six - Hire Candidates using a Multi-Step Process that is standardized and well thought out.

Step Seven - Onboard Candidates (3-6 Month Process).  69% of properly onboarded employees are more likely to stay with your company longer than 3 years AND are 11.3% more effective.